Break the walls of Normalcy

Qasim Ali
1 min readApr 16, 2021


Surah Hud was revealed in Mecca (nearly 4 years before migration to Madina). Its verses weighed Prophet (PBUH) down. His complexion started feeling old. The narrations of people of Nuh, A’ad, Samud, Lut, Madian and Firown felt similar to the condition he saw of his people.

We look similar to our ancestors. Prostrate the same, think similar, act same and nearly in all ways we are following the norms our fathers left for us. And our fathers lived the same life, their fathers left for them.

At times, this looks horrific — to what extent we are following a wrong belief. An act never questioned has strengthened its roots. It has become easy to live by the customs. And much difficult to hit the walls, get out and breathe. Out of norms is abnormal, threatening and harmful.

People of Prophet (PBUH) broke the walls of norms nearly every day. It brought them wealth, freedom and power.

