Forgiveness of Allah (swt)

Qasim Ali
1 min readApr 14, 2021

In the starting days of preaching Islam, people of Younis (as) did not submit to Allah (swt). They thought it is alright, to mock and ridicule a Prophet. But once the wrath of Allah came near, and they felt it over their heads — they submitted. They gathered in an open field, and prayed to Allah for forgiveness.
Allah (swt) forgave them. Reverted the wrath. And they were given glad tidings.
If we revert to Allah (Swt), even when we feel we have closed all the doors, a good supplication will get us His forgiveness. But, soon, the evil side of us, wants us to stay stuck in the guilt zone. Overwhelms us with emptiness and loneliness. So that, we further deviate from the path, hurt our soul and return to another wrong. This chains of sins and wrongings has to stop. We have to close the doors of guilt and hopelessness. And we have to believe in the forgiving strength of Allah.
A life of forgiveness is countless times better than a life in darkness. May Allah (swt) forgive our sins and help us get maximum benefit from the following month of Ramadan.

